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Our Support services

Business Development Support(Start/Grow)

To assist Impact members to follow the right processes to start and grow their small scale businesses. To help create long term value for their customers, markets and relationships.

Financial Literacy (Fitness) Support

To educate our members to understand the principles of financial proficiency such as financial planning, compound interest, managing debt, savings techniques and time value of money for successful living.

Financial Support

Provide financial support for members to start or grow their businesses.

Trade Credit Support

Provide support for trade credit guarantee to members enabling their businesses stay competitive in order to achieve the objectives of being independent.

Virtual Store Support

Create a virtual online store to enable member businesses trade electronically among themselves for success.

Technical Support (Legal, Accounting & Audit)

To link-up with Accounting, Auditing and Law firms to offer services at moderate fees to our members.

Business Registration Support

Did you know you must register your business if you are trading under a business name? Contact our customer support team if you have any further questions.

Training/Workshop/Seminar Support

We have training session and seminars through out our various group. Members are encouraged to be part to get the adequate know-how of maintaining their businesses.

Team Up with others

The Power of togetherness

Impact creates opportunity for members to come together to pool resources to help each other as a way to create connection and relationship

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Request for support

Some of the interesting and attractive characteristics of Impact-Trust support comprises of the following more flexible terms, low costs to members who access our support, large pool of community support to lean on. Other features that should be noted include atrong support network: Impact creates opportunity for members to come together to pool resources to help each other as a way to create connection and relationship.
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How do I become a member of Impact Self Reliance Support Trust (ISRST)?

To be a full member of ISRST you need to register and complete your profile at www.impact-trust.org/registration and then pay your registration fee of 50 GHS

Top right corner of the website click on registration button with the plus sign. Then fill-in the basic details to sign-up.

The minimum monthly contribution is Ghc 100

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